Saturday, 15 October 2011

Now I know!!

Experience is directly proportional to one's age, I thought so until life's realities were laid in front of me.
The older I get the more knowledgeable and seasoned I will become. I can talk on any subject with authority and answer any possible question. Age will progress me with the skills I need to do any task that comes my way. Then wonder how my helper who is in her mid -twenties can bathe my wriggling baby single handed while I look on in amazement. Wonder how a bunch of pre-school kids can span the entire swimming pool without any swimming board.Wonder how my teenager niece can bake chocolate cakes while all I can do is admire the sweet aroma wafting through the air.Wonder how; Experience it is!!!! The more I do something the better I get at it. Its elementary isn't it...experience comes with practice and practice makes one perfect. Now I know how a five year old can navigate the iPhone while I am still struggling to tap it open. Now I Know!!!